Deadly MonoPoLies.....

Deadly Monopolies: The Shocking Corporate Takeover of Life Itself--And the Consequences for Your Health and Our Medical Future.
Deadly MonopoLies

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Scientist think they have Finally Figured It Out!

10-CENT TUMMY TUCK puts plastic surgeons out of work!

"Missing link molecule" trims off masses of deadly belly fat as precisely as cosmetic surgery.

  • Homes in on waistline and trims off 26 square centimeters...
  • Wonderfully safe and cheap -- no dieting required.

Now it's proven. For years, the brilliant Dr. Mark Stengler had been championing this natural substance, but researchers finally put it to the definitive test. Just months ago, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine completed their double-blind, placebo-controlled study -- the gold standard of medical research.

And it works! The aging, overweight "couch potatoes" who took this miracle molecule kept right on eating just like before. Yet within a matter of months...

Bulging waistlines abruptly shrunk...

And they weren't just sucking in their guts. When researchers peered inside their bellies with MRI scans, yes indeed -- masses of fat had vanished. The average patient lost 13 square centimeters of belly fat under the skin, plus another 13 square centimeters of deeper, even deadlier visceral fat -- for a whopping total of 26 square centimeters. Yet the unfortunate folks who didn't take it actually gained belly fat!

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Okay.....back to the Fat Burners....Ha Ha Ha!

Want to try it yourself? More good news. This is not a dangerous stimulant! And, unlike popular herbal formulas, this substance is so phenomenally cheap, your daily dose might cost one thin dime. Plus, it's so healthy, the same study showed that it even...

Cuts insulin resistance linked to diabetes!

Found naturally in every human body, its technical name is dehydroepiandrosterone, but don't worry about pronouncing it. All details about how to get it and use it are contained in a new volume by Dr. Mark Stengler, entitled TRUE NEW FAT BURNERS Nobody Told You About. And because we're celebrating the success of Bottom Line/NATURAL HEALING, we'd also like to send you this bonus book, FREE. Just click here and it's yours for the asking, along with all your other free gifts! Do send for it now, because this is where you'll also discover the...

doesn't just slim you, but fights off disease!

Ever heard of Luo Han Guo? Neither have most natural gurus -- yet! But Dr. Mark Stengler discovered this exotic fruit growing in the hinterlands of China. And the more he researched it, the more wonders emerged.

Quite simply, the extract from this fruit leaves every other sugar substitute in the dust...

  • Better than saccharine or aspartame, because it's free of dangerous side effects...
  • Better than Splenda® or NutraSweet®, because it's natural...

Best of all, studies show it actually boosts your immune system. And because it's made of naturally sweet compounds called glycosides, Luo Han fruit extract doesn't raise blood insulin levels -- making it ideal for diabetics. Full details are in your free bonus volume, TRUE NEW FAT BURNERS, so why not click here and claim all your FREEBIES now?

Have fun reading the Free Book above.


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Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Benefits of Omega-3s......

Natrol Omega 3 6 9 Lemon -- 60 soft gels

Why they're good for you!

(HealthDay News) - Omega-3 fatty acids -- found in fish and certain plant oils -- are crucial for healthy brain growth and development. They can also help protect the body against certain diseases and conditions.

Here are some of the health benefits they may offer, courtesy of the University of Maryland Medical Center:
  • Reduce bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol levels.
  • Lower high blood pressure.
  • Prevent heart disease, and reduce the risk of heart attack
  • Reduce the risk of stroke.
  • Help control diabetes.
  • Reduce arthritis pain.
  • Aid in weight loss.
  • Protect against osteoporosis.
  • Reduce the risk of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder.